These are a few of our basic options. Click the button below to see all chiller options.
CTC: Digital Temperature Controller: Provides close temperature control (±0.5°F). Displays bot set-point and coolant temperature.
ATC: Ambient Tracking Controller. A dual input digital tempertue controller allows the coolant temperature to track ambient temperature at a constant, adjustable differential. Displays both ambient and coolant temperature.
OP: Optional Pumps. A variety of pumps are available to meet almost any flow and pressure requirement for both water and oil-based coolants.
LF: Low Flow Interlock. Prevents damage to machine on loss of flow.
HT: Temperature Fault Interlock. Indicates coolant temperature is out of range.
ILH: In-Line Heater. Warms up coolant to optimum operating termperature.
ILF: In-Line Filter Insures clean coolant.
PS: Pure System. Coolant only comes in contact with stainless steel or plastic.
Non-Copper. Oil only comes in contact with iron or stainless steel.
NRCW and NRCA: Non-Refrigerated Cooler. Uses central chilled water or ambient air instead of refrigeration. Saves space and maintenance.
W: Water-Cooled Condenser For use with tower or city water. Removes heat from the work area while saving space and maintenance.